NPC Enumerators and Supervisors Training Commonly Asked Question and Answers 2033

NPC Enumerators and Supervisors Training Commonly Asked Question and Answers 2033

Commonly Asked Questions and Answers for NPC Adhoc Staff Enumerators and Supervisors Training

NPC Enumerators – Numerous applicants for NPC Adhoc Staff have had a number of inquiries about the NPC Adhoc Staff Enumerators and Supervisors Training, which is set to start in the coming month.

We have gathered comprehensive Commonly Asked Questions on the NPC Adhoc Staff “NPC Enumerators” Enumerators and Supervisors Adhoc Training and offered Answers to the various Questions in order to address the queries.

Training for NPC Adhoc Staff Enumerators and Supervisors Commonly Asked Questions

1). What is NPC Adhoc Staff Enumerators and Supervisors LGA Level Training Date

On March 31, 2023, the NPC Adhoc Staff Enumerators and Supervisors LGA Level Training will start.

2). Will there be any List after the LGA Level Training

Yes. The NPC Adhoc Staff Enumerators and Supervisors who attended the trainings and successfully met all of the census exercise’s requirements will be listed on the final list. These are the qualified candidates to conduct the census in 2023.

3). How Many Trainings do NPC Adhoc Staff Enumerators and Supervisors have?

There are two segments to the NPC Adhoc Staff Enumerators and Supervisors LGA Level Training:

The training on building numbering and household listing is the first phase of the LGA Level Training. This will start on March 31 and run through April 6, 2023.

The Training on People Enumeration is the Second Part of the LGA Level Training. This will start on April 25, 2023, and terminate on April 29, 2023.

4). What should I do if my NPC Adhoc Staff Application Status still shows “PENDING”

While the approval of NPC Adhoc Staff Application Status is still being completed in some LGAs, it has already been completed in others.

If your application status has not been accepted by the training date, please go to the training facility. The Secretariat of the LGA is the Central Training Unit. Go over the names that were passed, and if you require assistance, speak with the NPC LGA Cordinator. ( NPC Enumerators ).

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5). How do I know my designated Venue for NPC Adhoc Staff Enumerators and Supervisors Training 

The locations of the NPC Adhoc Staff Enumerators and Supervisors Training Sessions will be posted for public viewing in the LGA Secretariat.

Moreover, text messages and emails containing the selected Venues for each Participant will be delivered to the “Approved” NPC Adhoc Staff Enumerators and Supervisors Applicants. 

6). Must I pass the Quiz and Final Exam before being selected for the 2023 Population and Housing Census Exercise 

Yes. The Training Quiz and Final Test are used to gauge how well you comprehend the Census Topics. Your chance of taking part in the census exercise increases with your score.

7). Will NPC Adhoc Staff Enumerators and Supervisors take Quiz or Exams during their Training

Yes. There will be a quiz and a final exam for each participant in the NPC Adhoc Staff Enumerators and Supervisors Training.

8). What if I fail the NPC Test or the NPC Final Exam

A participant is disqualified to take part in the census exercise if they do poorly on the quiz or the final exam. Only those who can clearly demonstrate their understanding of the work will be hired to accomplish it.

9). What are the Venues of the NPC Adhoc Staff Enumerators and Supervisors LGA Level Training 

The NPC Adhoc Staff Enumerators and Supervisors LGA Level Training will be held throughout the 774 LGAs of the Federation, just as the name suggests.

Within the LGAs, there will be specified venues (which you chose as LGA of Residence).

10). What Item should I take to the NPC Adhoc Staff Enumerators and Supervisors Training Venue

The requirements that will be brought to the NPC Adhoc Staff Enumerators and Supervisors Training Locations will be contained in the text message and email that will be delivered to you.

The documents displayed during the NPC Adhoc Staff Enumerators and Supervisors Screening will be included.

11). What kind of pay packages may these ad-hoc employees anticipate?

The specific NPC Adhoc Staff Salary for each function are listed below:

  • NPC Enumerators: N100,000 – N220,000
  • NPC Supervisors: N130,000 – N230,000
  • Assurance Assistants/Rovers: N130,000 – N280,000
  • Evaluation and Monitoring Officers: N150,000 – N300,000
  • NPC Facilitators: N150,000 – N300,000

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