Notice NDLEA: National Drug Law Enforcement Agency About 2023 Exam

Notice NDLEA: National Drug Law Enforcement Agency About 2023 Exam
National Drug Law Enforcement Agency: Some of the topics discussed in the Twitter space you can read them one after another here in this article I’m sure every Applicant will like to know this useful information at present.

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- The exam questions will be the same for professionals and other jobs except that the lawyers will have some questions to be different and test their work skills.
- Senior officials, 1,200 and 3,800 junior staff will be hired for the junior university.
- The exam can be written on a mobile phone and computer from any location
- Candidates can write the exam at any time between 10 am and 11:59 pm on the scheduled day.
- There will be questions on English, Maths and General papers.
- The way to enter your ID even if you forget is to use your NIN number as follows: NDLEA/SUPT/2023/NIN
Inside the portal - There is no specific number of questions to be asked until you take the exam.
- The portal will be used only from Monday.
- The screening test is the first part of the recruitment process. Other steps will include physical exam questions and drug testing.
- His score will not be shown to anyone. But 80% is the pass mark.
- If you are invited twice, such a person should use the first date and time. Any attempt to write the exam twice will disqualify the applicant.
- The invitation message is still being sent. Some of the messages that have been sent to them have bounced back. So they are planning other steps to reach those who have not yet received it, such as SMS/Email steps.
- The previous questions are false and should not be relied upon.
- HND holders will start from 7 and BSC will start from 8.
- The physical health test will be conducted as provided by 5 institutions. Therefore, successful candidates will be evaluated at the center closest to them.