Must an Applicant get a Text Message from NPC before going the npc training 2023?
NPC Training 2023: A text message from NPC must be received by the applicant before the training? Never at all! Waiting until NPC texts you is not advisable. Ask your LGA when it will be holding its NPC Ad hoc Staff training.

Must an Applicant get a Text Message from NPC before going the training 2023?

NPC Training 2023: A text message from NPC must be received by the applicant before the training? Never at all! Waiting until NPC texts you is not advisable. Ask your LGA when it will be holding its NPC Ad hoc Staff training.
NPC Adhoc Staff training time
Daily training for NPC Adhoc Staff typically takes place from 8 am to 4 pm.
As always, first come, first served. Try to arrive on time.
Why your NPC Application Status PENDING According to NPC Recruitment 2023
Your application has not yet been assessed, which is why the status of your NPC Ad hoc Staff application is still pending. It will be put on hold. It will become Authorized until your application is examined.
But, following review, your status will switch from PENDING to APPROVED. In order to receive payment, the candidates can now provide their bank information. approval-way-to-submit-bank-details-on-npc-portal-2023

NPC Recruitment Links To Check
NPC training centres for the 36 States’ ad hoc staff recruitments
NPC Training 2023 Centers – Did you submit an application for the National Population Commission’s (NPC) Ad hoc personnel recruitment for the organization of Nigeria’s population and housing census? If “yes,” keep reading because we’ll reveal where nationwide ad hoc staff members will receive NPC training at the end of the post.
Please take note that NPC’s management has cautioned that all training for field coordinators, supervisors, and enumerators for the 2023 Population and Housing Census would be provided without charge. use this link to download NPC Training Centres for all states, Click to download. ( NPC training centres for the 36 States’ ).