Scam Alert: NPC recruitment Fake website that defraud NPC Applicants in 2023

Scam Alert: NPC recruitment Fake website that defraud NPC Applicants in 2023

NPC recruitment
NPC recruitment

Scam Alert: NPC recruitment, In order to defraud unwary applicants under the pretense of facilitating the approval of their applications for the 2023 Population and Housing census ad-hoc job recruitment for a token, Adam Muhammad Kh Gombe created Facebook group accounts under the name of the National Population Commission. This has come to the commission’s attention.

The NPC Commission would want to let everyone know that there is only one official Facebook page that has been given a blue tik.

We kindly ask the general public to ignore the phony Facebook group profiles and stay away from the scams.

The commission is making every effort to identify the individuals responsible for the bogus Facebook profiles and the applicants’ extortion.

The ad hoc workforce for the 2023 census is provided without charge. At no point during the hiring process is the potential applicant asked to pay any fees or payments of any type. (NPC recruitment).

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NPC recruitment
NPC recruitment

If you recall, it is untrue that the National Population Commission is hiring, despite a social media rumor to the contrary. According to what the News Agency of Nigeria has discovered, it is from a fraudulent website in 2022.

CLAIM: Through social media, a website mimicking the National Population Commission (NPC) invites users to apply for employment openings via the NPC Recruitment 2022/2023 portal.

A link in the mail making the allegation points to a website mimicking the commission and urging Nigerians to apply for jobs for the trial census and the 2023 census at

Because it is the NPC’s official website, the text message that contains the website URL implores readers to click on it and submit their applications.

The website also makes an effort to pass itself off as the NPC in its domain name, which appears as “NPC-E-Recruitment -22.” However, is the official NPC website.

As part of the hiring process, the fake website requests users to fill out personal information. The user’s marital status, date of birth, institutions attended, and disciplinary history are all needed pieces of information. Users can select the certificate they received from their mentioned universities from a menu choice as well.

When the “continue” button is clicked, a new page congratulating the user loads. The notification states that “Your application for the ongoing NATIONAL POPULATION COMMISSION 2022/2023 RECRUITMENT has been received.”

As part of the message, users are required to respond to three questions concerning their work status, form of identity, and want to be retained.

A new notification informs the user that they have been given the go-ahead to work in the NPC after they have responded to the questions. However, they must use WhatsApp to communicate the program’s details with their connections in order to receive the staff form.

This order is typical of phishing schemes used to harvest personal data. If the applicant doesn’t follow the procedures exactly, the application form page won’t load, according to a red warning underneath the instructions.

NPC recruitment
NPC recruitment

VERIFICATION: On the NPC website, Facebook, and Twitter, where the organization frequently distributes information of interest to the general public, there is no information on the recruitment campaign.

The fake website’s WHOIS information reveals that it was registered on September 2, 2021, in Iceland using the registrar “Namecheap.”

However, the WHOIS data of the NPC’s official website reveals that it was registered on October 24, 2019. Authentic domains are typically older than fraudulent ones.

The trial census portal had been closed, the exercise had ended on June 27, and no applications were being accepted for the exercise or the census exercise in 2023, according to a press release issued on July 18, 2022 by NPC’s Director of Public Affairs, Dr. Isiaka Yahaya.

NAN searched Google but couldn’t find another instance of the aforementioned news release. Additionally, a call was placed to Mr. Abdulkareem Bello, the NPC’s Oyo State Director, who confirmed the validity of the press statement.

VERDICT: Because the portal has been closed and the exercise has already been completed, The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) has determined that the report circulating on social media regarding NPC recruitment for 2022/2023 is a fake.

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