Nigeria Launches Innovative National ID Card with Payment Functionality

Nigeria Launches Innovative National ID Card with Payment Functionality

The Nigerian government, in collaboration with the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC), the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), and the Nigeria Inter-bank Settlement System (NIBSS), has launched a ground-breaking identity solution with payment capabilities, powered by AfriGO, a national domestic card program.

The newly announced National ID card, which includes verified National Identity elements, is approved by the NIMC Act No. 23 of 2007, which requires NIMC to enroll and distribute General Multipurpose Cards (GMPC) to Nigerians and legal residents.

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Kayode Adegoke, NIMC’s head of corporate communications, emphasized the importance of the new ID card in satisfying the demand for physical identification. He stressed that users can use the card to verify their identification, access government and private social services, promote financial inclusion, empower citizens, and participate in nation-building projects.

Furthermore, the ID card functions as a debit or prepaid card, which cardholders can attach to their preferred bank accounts. This functionality seeks to enable access to a variety of government intervention programs, with a focus on financially challenged individuals.

Adegoke highlighted that only registered nationals and legal residents with a National Identification Number (NIN) can request the card. The card, which meets International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) criteria, is designated as the country’s principal national identification card.

Adegoke reminded Nigerians that NIMC is committed to protecting cardholder data. He affirmed NIMC’s compliance with data protection rules and international data security protocols to secure the confidentiality and safety of users’ information.

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