Do You Submit an Application for NPC Adhoc Staff Allowance 2023? See Your Full Payment Allowances

Do You Submit an Application for NPC Ad-hoc Staff Allowance 2023? See Your Full Payment Allowances

npc adhoc staff allowance
npc adhoc staff allowance

The National Population Commission would pay NPC Adhoc Employees two types of compensation for the administration of the 2023 Population and Housing Census.

These are Major Salaries and Allowances.

NPC Adhoc Staff Allowance: Allowances to be paid are of three categories, according to the Director of the Census Department, Ms. Evelyn Arinola Olanipekun, in a memo addressed to the State/Local Government Training Centers on the criteria to be followed in the payment Allowances to NPC Adhoc Employees

1. A feeding allowance 2. Travel reimbursements 3. Training Allowances

According to Mrs. Olanipekun, Specialized WorkForce and Facilitators will earn the following npc adhoc staff allowance:

Feeding Allowance (a) Specialized WorkForce (SWF) – N2,000 per day x 13 days (3 days of SWF and 10 days of State Training. States that did not observe the first three days, however, are exempt). Total: N26,000 (b) State Facilitators: N2,000 per person, per day, for ten days Total: N 20,000

npc adhoc staff allowance
npc adhoc staff allowance

N20,000 for each person’s transportation allowance

 3. Training allowance (a) Trainer: N15,000 per day x 13 (State Facilitator) and 10 (SWF); (b) Trainee: N10,000 per day x 13 (State Facilitator) and 10 (State facilitator) For each category, payment will be made twice as follows: N46,000 (SWF) for transportation and N40,000 (State facilitators) for feeding.

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For each category, payment will be made twice as follows:

Feeding and transportation costs: N46,000 (SWF), N40,000 (State facilitators)

Trainer (SWF): N195,000, Trainee (N130,00), State Trainer (Facilitators): N150, 000, Trainee (N100,000): Training Allowance. Other Categories, including Enumerators and Supervisors, would be eligible for the above allowances, but with a smaller sum and fewer training days.

npc adhoc staff allowance
npc adhoc staff allowance

Typically, feeding

For Specialist WorkForce, Facilitators, Enumerators, Supervisors, and other Census Functionaries, transportation and training allowances range from N50,000 to N100,000. Following the 2023 Population and Housing Census Exercise, the Main Salary will be paid.

In addition to the Allowance, each Census Functionary would typically get a Basic/Main Salary of between N50,000 and N250,000.

The full salary and benefits for NPC Adhoc Employees in 2023 can be combined as follows: NPC Adhoc staff salaries range from N150,000 to N300,000. Field coordinator salaries range from N140,000 to N280,000.

NPC Adhoc staff salaries range from N130,000 to N230,000. NPC Adhoc staff salaries for enumerators range from N100,000 to N220,000. NPC Adhoc staff salaries for monitoring and evaluation officers range from N150,000 to N300,000. (npc adhoc staff allowance).

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