Why census application doesn’t work for NPC workers in 2023 ? how to solve it

Why census application doesn’t work for NPC workers in 2023 how to solve it

census application
census application

Census application: After we brought you this census pad application to help you find a census job easy, some people are asking about the activation of it, why it doesn’t function? so here’s the reason why.

Census pad application: That’s why this application is everything it will be functioned when the time of the population census comes. Even if the person takes it on his phone now,

The truth is he will not have the opportunity to activate his profile until the time, when the authority in charge of this department allows people to use it.

census application
census application

And this application is only available when it starts Counting the people and then people will be given the opportunity to activate the profile so that they can start working on it.

For those that see ( census pad isn’t responding), in our investigation we found out that, this problem is like from the phone they use. but we will keep researching about the solution.

Census Application




census application
census application

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  1. Hello, I’ve been following your post concerning NPV adhoc staff thank you for the updates.I have a question: I registered as a Facilitator and when I went for training I was told that an SSCE holder can’t be a Facilitator that I should go to my LGA and wrote my name as an Enumerator I did that but my status is yet to change to Approve what should I do

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