Unpleasant: NPower News Today – NPower News On Payment December 2023

Unpleasant: NPower News Today – NPower News On Payment December 2023

NPower News Today – NPower News On Payment December 2023: Let’s start with the unpleasant NPower News In December – The Federal Government has expressed its anger at the detractors of Dr Betta Edu over the non-payment of N-power workers in November

The head of the National Support Agency, NSIPA, Mrs Halima Shehu has described the insults and insults by some N-power workers against the Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation, Dr Betta Edu, as inappropriate.

Mrs Halima said this on Sunday on her page X as seen by Katsina Daily News

In her response, she said, “We have seen some pictures and articles of N-power group C2 employees, insulting and mentioning the name of Dr Betta Edu.

“This is not right.

“Edu and Halima worked hard to ensure that the people who deserved it were paid.

“Consequently, since they have only enrolled as N-power workers, no money would be wasted on paying unqualified individuals.

NSIPA CEO Mrs Halima Shehu said

N-power workers in Nigeria are in pain, as a result of a report released by the N-power payment agency last month, that it has completed an investigation and identified the problem of non-payment of workers’ rights.

But now it has resolved all the problems  and will pay all the fees owed by the workers to the agency in November when the month ended without the money, the young N-power workers got angry and insulted and deleted the minister’s photos on social media

When the ongoing restructuring is completed, FG will pay the nine months’ worth of N-Power arrears.

N-Power scheme, Batches B and C, are still demanding their unpaid stipends. It is understood by Legit. ng that certain beneficiaries anticipate receiving stipends of nine months.

Earning N30,000 a month, N-Power beneficiaries were assigned to N-Teach schools, N-Health hospitals, and N-Agro agriculture centers.

has said that it is prepared to start paying N-Power program participants their nine-month backlog.

N-Power debts will be settled upon the conclusion of the current restructuring process, according to a recent statement from the Financial Guard through the National Social Investment Programs (NASIMS).

N-Power stipends update

The Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation, led by Betta Edu, is executing the repositioning.

According to NASIMS, the primary goal of the program’s brief suspension was to take care of any issues that directly affected beneficiaries.

The official Facebook page of NASIMS stated: “Payment of outstanding Npower 9months (sic) stipends will be initiated upon conclusion of the ongoing restructuring and repositioning.”

It further stated: “This is the payment update from the ministry tonight, 28th November 2023.” Due to the program’s brief halt for forensic auditing and comprehensive reorganization, money was retrieved from the current payment service providers.

According to Legit.ng, the humanitarian minister would oversee the continuation of the N-Power initiative as the Renewed Hope Job Creation initiative.

“Backlog glitches being cleared” in N-Power – The Minister The minister of humanitarian affairs and poverty alleviation, Betta Edu, had earlier stated that backlog issues with the well-known N-Power program are being resolved, according to a report from Legit. ng.

On Wednesday, November 29, the minister’s pledge was posted on NASIMS’s official Facebook page.

N-Power answers questions regarding purported thumbprint N-Power issued a warning, according to Legit.ng, saying that there is no thumbprint exercise ongoing.

Prospective beneficiaries of the federal government’s social empowerment initiative were advised to regularly check all of its active social media sites since “that is where you will get any latest information.”

NPower News On Payment December 2023 and RHJCP Hopeful Recruitment Updates for Beneficiaries

Today’s latest NPower News updates for December 2023 deliver excellent news to recipients who are waiting on stipends. Starting this month, overdue payments will be made to clear the nine-month backlog. To empower Nigerian youth, the NPower initiative has been renamed RHJCP.

News has surfaced regarding Nigeria’s “N-Power RHJCP” employment initiative. On the internet, people are discussing the availability of new jobs, yet this is untrue. For this program, the Nigerian government intends to hire 5 million youth over five years, but hiring has not yet begun. Because fraudulent websites aim to deceive users, it’s crucial to exercise caution.

The N-Power program is currently being modified and put on hold. Those who wish to participate will be notified when official applications must be submitted. Participants in the program are anticipating receiving funds that they haven’t received in nine months, beginning in November 2023. Young Nigerians have a great opportunity to learn and experience through this job program, but to obtain accurate information and stay away from scammers, everyone should only utilize the official website and social media.

Nigeria’s N-Power Program: A government official reports that payment issues have been resolved.

Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation Betta Edu has offered new information in a recent update on the N-Power scheme, a noteworthy initiative of the Nigerian federal government. This is part of the celebration of her first 100 days in office under President Bola Tinubu’s administration.

The N-Power program, renowned for its ability to empower young people in Nigeria by creating jobs and developing their abilities, has been beset by persistent issues with payment arrears. The beneficiaries, some of whom assert that they are owed up to nine months’ worth of arrears, have expressed serious concerns about these delays. In response to these worries, Edu stated that payments are anticipated to start shortly and that the problems creating these backlogs are actively being remedied.

In light of the scheme’s reform, Edu’s statement emphasized the government’s resolve to address any payment-related concerns and guarantee that all qualified recipients obtain their overdue stipends. N-Power reiterated this guarantee via means of public communication.

N-Power answered questions regarding an alleged thumbprint exercise in addition to resolving payment delays. The program’s active social media platforms provide accurate and current information, and they ask the public and potential beneficiaries to rely on them. They stressed that no such exercise is currently occurring.

There is also conjecture about the NEXIT package, which is a suggested program for disgruntled N-Power members. Program administrators have clarified that they are unable to verify whether those quitting the program will profit from NEXIT at this time due to a lack of information.

These revisions coincide with the government’s ongoing efforts to resolve several issues with its empowerment initiatives. Edu’s contribution has been crucial in guiding the N-Power initiative toward increased efficacy and efficiency in assisting Nigeria’s youth, especially during her first 100 days in office. The beneficiaries and program observers are very interested in learning how fast and effectively these backlogs may be resolved and payments can resume.

Government Announcements It Will Address N-Power Program Participants’ Payment Delays

Payment delays are a problem for the federal government’s N-Power program. Participants in the scheme are angry because they haven’t received their N30,000 monthly payment. Their ability to remain committed is being hampered by this delay.

The fact that they didn’t receive their money on time upsets the participants. Francisco Noah, a teacher at a Nasarawa State school, claimed he is unable to continue teaching because he hasn’t received pay since November 2022. Not having this money makes it difficult for him to get to the school. Usman Dantala, a different participant, claimed that despite being a part of the program since October 2022, he has only received payment for the last three months.

The N-Power program’s manager, Dr. Akindele Egbuwalo, stated that the government is attempting to resolve these payment issues. They want to guarantee that the rightful recipients of funds will receive them. Betta Edu, the Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation, had temporarily halted the program. Launched on June 8, 2016, the N-Power program aims to enhance social programs and assist youth in obtaining employment.

Late payments have angered N-Power program participants.

Participants in the Nigerian government’s N-Power program are angry because they aren’t receiving their N30,000 monthly payment on time. They discussed the issue in Abuja. Mr. Francisco Noah, one instructor, claimed he quit because he was unable to pay for his transportation costs to his school. His last paycheck arrived in November 2022.

Mr. Usman Dantala, another individual, stated that he had been waiting for payment for nine months. He only received payment for three months after enrolling in the program in October 2022. Despite being questioned about it, he hasn’t yet been assigned a precise task.

Dr. Akindele Egbuwalo, the N-Power CEO, stated that the company is trying to pay all of the people who are entitled to compensation. To make sure everything was operating properly, he also said that they had to pause the show for a bit. N-Power was launched by the government in 2016 to assist youth in finding employment and to enhance government assistance initiatives.

Latest NPower News: NSIPA Hints at an Exciting Announcement Soon

The National Social Intervention Programme (NSIPA) alluded to an exciting announcement that was forthcoming in the most recent NPower news release. With an upcoming project, NSIPA, the agency in charge of carrying out social investment initiatives in Nigeria, is building excitement.

The Important Programs of NSIPA:

NSIPA oversees several significant initiatives that enhance the lives of both communities and individuals, such as:

  • The N-Power Program (formerly known as the Renewed Hope Job Creation Programme, or RHJCP) gives young people access to career possibilities and skill development.
  • Offering interest-free loans to market women to promote economic growth is known as the GEEP Loan (IYALOJA Market Moni Scheme).
  • Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT): Assisting low-income households with money.
  • The goal of the National Home-Grown School Feeding Program (NHGSFP) is to provide pupils with wholesome meals that promote their overall health.

Current Projects:

With the current Conditional Cash Transfer program, which offers N25,000 to low-income households, NSIPA has already started. Furthermore, market women can already apply for interest-free loans totaling $50,000 through the GEEP Loan IYALOJA program.

What Plans Do We Have?

A compelling message informs visitors to the NSIPA website, https://nsipa.gov.ng, “Get ready, something good is coming soon.”

Conjecture and Expectation:

One concern remains as the public enthusiastically conjectures about this “something good”: Could it be the start of the N-Power program RHJCP recruitment? Time will surely reveal the great news that NSIPA has in store, even though the precise nature of this impending endeavor is still unknown.

In conclusion, let’s hope for positive developments.

One thing is certain: NSIPA is preparing for something significant, whether it is growing current programs or launching a brand-new one. Keep an eye out for updates and get ready for encouraging developments that will help improve lives and communities throughout Nigeria. There is a tangible sense of excitement, and the specifics of this much-anticipated surprise will eventually become clear.

NPower Recipients Experience Financial Issues as a Result of Late Payments

Because their stipend payments are coming late, N-Power beneficiaries are having financial challenges. The beneficiaries are concerned because they haven’t gotten their money despite NASIMS’s assurances. They are dissatisfied by the delay and are finding it difficult to pay for necessities. Some of them are finding it difficult to pursue further education or training because they are dependent on this money.

The beneficiaries want N-Power to pay them promptly and let them know when they will receive their money since they are dissatisfied with the wait. They also want N-Power to handle their money openly and responsibly.

The plans of beneficiaries who wish to attend school or pick up new skills are also impacted by the late payments. Since they are unable to estimate when they will receive their stipends, some of them are unsure of what will happen.

Although N-Power has been commended for its assistance in assisting young people secure employment, concerns regarding its reputation and potential effects on recipients are being raised by these payment delays.

N-Power has not yet replied to the recipients’ complaints, despite their being voiced. To resolve this issue and ensure the beneficiaries are safe, they must move quickly. This essay aims to illustrate the challenges that N-Power beneficiaries encounter and requests that N-Power be transparent, communicate, and address the issue as soon as possible.


Along with financial changes, the NPower program is getting a full redesign. This program, which is currently called the Renewed Hope Job Creation Programme (RHJCP), is in line with President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s goals. This project, led by Dr. Betta Edu, aims to benefit 5 million people over the next five years, including both those with and without degrees.

This rebranding is more than just a cosmetic change; it represents the government of Nigeria’s promise to the country’s youth to develop opportunities and skills. The RHJCP is an extension of NPower’s history, but it has more energy and a wider reach for the youth empowerment of Nigeria.

NPower News Today, Npower News, latestbnpower news, Nasims News on payment today, Nasims News, Npower Batch C2 Today, NPower Stipend Payment, Outstanding Stipends Payment, N-Power Payment Update, Npower Payment 2023, Npower December Payment, Npower March Payment, Npower February Payment, NPower News Update,

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