npc training news today | Training Invitations Message/Email Update 7th April | And What To Do

npc training news today | Training Invitations Message/Email Update 7th April

npc training news today – As Some Known The LGA Level Training is set to begin on April 11, 2023, and the National Population Commission has begun mailing invitations to trained enumerators and supervisors.
According to the text messages and emails issued to the applicants, the first round of the NPC Adhoc Staff Training will undoubtedly take place between April 11–17, 2023.
The Enumerators and Supervisors Adhoc Staff Training Locations for each Participant in each LGA of the Federation were also listed in the Training Invitation.
In order to properly welcome trainees to the training hall, NPC Adhoc Staff Enumerators and Supervisors are recommended not to delete such emails or text messages when they are received.
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Here are some examples of the training invitations (text messages and emails) that the National Population Commission’s Adhoc Staff Enumerators and Supervisors can anticipate receiving at any time today or tomorrow, While others have received theirs on 5 and some on 6 April.

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