npc enumerators training update today 6th April And the Replacement of Applicant

npc enumerators training update today 6th April And the Replacement of Applicant

NPC Enumerators Training Update Today – It is advised that you show up at the training location because some people might not show up even if they have been approved; some might not have Android phones; and some might not even be allowed to participate, such as SSC holders.
In addition, there should be a test at the conclusion of the training so that if the person performs well, he will be approved and qualified, so a replacement might occur during training. Although we anticipate this, anything could happen.
The invitation will include your name, the venue, the date, and the hour and will be sent to all qualified applicants through SMS or email on or before Sunday.
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The new date for enumerators and supervisors’ LGA training on building numbering and household listing is April 11–17.
Almost 50% For those who are pending, may receive messages for census training. dvice for those who are on pending.
If you have a test message, don’t say that you are working, or you are not approved, and you are not going to the training.
Because there maybe replacement on the first day with another one, Most of those who did training in the past were not approved until after they completed the training.
Hoping nothing will shift this again,