How you can earn ₦50,000/month in Satelite Group with SSCE results

How you can earn ₦50,000/month in Satelite Group with SSCE results
Satelite Group Limited will hire new employees with a salary of 50k naira per month and will hire them with Secondary Qualification.
The Satelite Group Limited company was established because of the desire to provide high quality services, delivery, innovation, and customer satisfaction.

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It originated from a shopping mall
to a limited company in the year 2001.
The job to be hired is the job of Tailor
that is the tailor who will sew you:
We are looking for a skilled worker and sewing machine operator to construct and alter clothing and other parts.
As a sewing machine operator, you should use structure, understanding, or both, depending on the specifics of each task.
To apply for this job, click Apply below