Good News State Is Ready To Train 10,000 Women, Best 80 Participants to get N200,000 Seed Capital each

Good News State Is Ready To Train 10,000 Women, Best 80 Participants to get N200,000 Seed Capital each

Good News: 10,000 women will receive training over the next 24 months thanks to a partnership between the Lagos State government and Pan Atlantic University’s Enterprise Development Center (EDC). This partnership is made possible by the Ministry of Wealth Creation and Employment. The development of human capital, capacity building, and wealth generation are the main objectives of this program.

Akinyemi Ajigbotafe, the commissioner for wealth creation and employment, announced the cooperation at a press conference, stressing the importance of women’s empowerment in the state. The course, which is scheduled to start in the first quarter of this year, will combine online, partner-sponsored, and in-person community learning techniques.

Ajigbotafe emphasized that all young people in Lagos State’s 20 Local Government and 37 Local Council Development Areas are eligible to enroll in the training program. Each of the top 80 participants who finish the program successfully will get N200,000 in seed money.

Ajigbotafe underlined that cooperation is crucial and that the government cannot function in a vacuum, particularly in light of the present economic climate. He emphasized that to accomplish the ministry’s objective of creating wealth and jobs for the young of Lagos State, cooperation with the private sector is essential.

The state’s commitment to human capital development and capacity building is seen in the collaboration with the Enterprise Development Centre of Pan-Atlantic University.

Through entrepreneurial training, in the creative arts, digital, and agro-based business sectors, the program—powered by the MasterCard Foundation—aims to enhance the lives of young people in Nigeria. With more than 20 years of experience, the EDC is qualified to help the project succeed.

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