Student loan: These students of federal schools can miss student loan opportunity

Student loan: These students of federal schools can miss student loan opportunity
Even though it has officially launched a portal for students to apply for its loan scheme, the Nigerian Education Loan Fund, or NELFUND, claims that some federal tertiary colleges have not yet uploaded their students’ data to its dashboard. This problem can make students miss this loan opportunity if they don’t submit their data on time.
NELFUND expressed sorrow for the way the development has impeded the processing of student applications from the impacted educational institutions. It appealed for the federal government-owned postsecondary educational institutions whose students are beneficiaries of the program’s continuing first batch to reply suitably.
In a phone interview with Vanguard in Abuja on Sunday, Nasir Ayitogo, a spokesman for the NELFUND, stated that the fund was having trouble handling loan requests from students whose universities had not yet provided their data. He would not, however, identify the organizations that have not yet uploaded their data to the NELFUND dashboard.
“Students throughout the nation have been requesting loans from us in large numbers. To help us handle the demands, several universities haven’t posted their student data to the NELFUND dashboard, according to Ayitogo.
However, he voiced hope that in the upcoming days, more schools will upload their student data portals to NELFUND’s dashboard. Recall that on Friday, the portal for the Nigerian student loan program’s initial phase was unveiled.
Additionally, keep in mind that on Friday, the National Association of Nigerian Students, or NANS, criticized certain institutions for their tardiness in uploading student data to the Fund’s database.
It regretted that this would make it more difficult for students to apply to the impacted institutions. The accusation was made by NANS President Lucky Emonefe in a note to all SUG presidents, the chairman of the NANS Joint Campus Council, and zonal coordinators of the association.
He urged student leaders to exert pressure on their particular institutions’ management to follow NELFUND guidelines, emphasizing that any postsecondary institution that does not provide the Fund with student data will not be eligible for the loan.
Dated May 23,,203 with reference number NANS/VOL1/GA1/A150, the correspondence was titled, ‘Urgent notice from NELFUND to all students leaders and school managements’.
“After meeting with the Nigerian Education Loan Fund (NELFUND) management, we have learned that several Federal Universities have not yet submitted their student data,” the memo stated. This is impeding the Students’ Loan scheme’s processing in several ways.
“NELFUND management has hereby requested that the Vice Chancellors of these Federal Universities be urged by the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) to adhere to NELFUND’s directives and promptly submit their student data for upload on the NELFUND platform.” This will make it feasible for the loan processing to start right away.
“Please be aware that NELFUND will not be held accountable if any Federal University is unable to submit their data and may not be able to obtain the loan.
“We implore all student leaders, especially those from Federal Universities, to make sure that their school administrations have sent NELFUND with the required information. This will ensure that the Student Loan program does not exclude any universities.