NPC News: Useful informatiom Related to Enumerators Training and Supervisors 2023

NPC News: Useful information Related to Enumerators Training and Supervisors 2023 I’m sure this article will help our brothers and sisters, And at the time we were compiling this article we got great news that NPC Applicants especially those with pending status will enjoy, in a nutshell, we will bring you the update about what’s going on about Applicants that want to attend Training while they have pending status. ( Enumerators Training And Supervisors ).

1.PHC stands for Population and Housing Census.
A digital census is computer-based or computer-aided.
The Census Pad is a component of a hybrid system that manages the system’s geospatial component and is used for building numbering and household listing.
Census night is the first night of the census, at 0 o’clock.
personal digital assistant, or PDA.
Provisioning is the procedure that grants users access to all the materials, work frames, and basemaps they will require for the survey.
System Configuration refers to the Census Protocol’s operational parameters.
A. Supervisory Area is the territory they are responsible for.
The term “locality” refers to a discrete population cluster that is also referred to as an “inhabited place” with a name, such as “ranches,” “Hamlet,” etc. (Enumerators Training And Supervisors)

An EA that covers more than one locality is referred to as a multi-locality EA.
A building is any free-standing structure made up of one or more rooms, whether or not they are enclosed by dividing or external walls and whether or not they are covered by a roof.
A compound is a building or collection of buildings that typically have one or more structural units and a common entrance, whether or not they are surrounded by walls.
A home is made up of a person or group of people who live together, usually under the same roof or in the same building or compound, who share a common food source and regard the head of the household as their social leader.
“Enumeration” is the process of interviewing every person in a population and gathering their socio-demographic data as well as other data.
An enumeration area (EA) is a region that has been excised from a larger locality or a collection of localities with clearly delineated and recognizable borders. Also, a team of enumerators is anticipated to cover it during the census.
A de facto census is an enumeration in which individuals are counted in accordance with where they resided or slept the night before the enumerator’s visit.
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