npc enumerator training date 2023 Today 7 April Update and The Training Quiz/Attendance

npc enumerator training date 2023 Today 7 April Update and The Training Quiz/Attendance

NPC Enumerators Training Date 2023 According to an updated 2023 Census Work Plan titled Overview of Outstanding Tasks for the 2023 Population and Housing Census, which was issued by the Commission, the NPC has scheduled the enumerator and supervisory training to begin on April 11, 2023. npc-training-centres-for-adhoc-staff-recruitments-of-all-36-states
npc enumerator training date 2023 NPC has announced that the LGA Level Training on Building Numbering and Household Listing will now start on April 11 and end on April 17, 2023. Enumerators and Supervisors Adhoc Staff Training is now in its first phase. NPC New Training Date, npc-enumerators-training-update-today-6th-april-and-the-replacement-of-applicant
Beginning on April 25 and ending on April 29, 2023, the LGA Level Training on People Enumeration will take place. This is the second stage of the ad hoc staff training for enumerators and supervisors.
The Important Use Of Smart Phone In Training
- Daily Attendance
- Daily Quizzes.
Daily attendance: how to do attendance through online every day. Example, If you find yourself in class one. There is a whats app group for this class one, you can only be in it. npc-training-update-today-npc-training-classroom-update-2023-ad-hoc-staff

DQM – Data quality management. He is the group admin of this whats app group of class1. He is also the one who teaches you the practical training of the census pad. Through this WhatsApp Group, the attendance form link and Quizzes will be sent.
Where attendance is done online?
This link form that will be sent, if you click on it, it will take you to chrome browser.
- Enter email
- Enter NPC-CE number
- Phone number
- Class number
- GIJ/000101
After you go to training, you will be given this number. Then you go to the Summit, This is how the daily attendance of the Census Training is done.
And Daily Quizzes.
It is also a link form that will be sent through this whats app group for this class of yours. This is the Quiz state NPCs are pushing, they can push anytime even if Ana is in a lecture.
This Quiz contains time at least 10 minutes or 15 minutes. And if you don’t respond quickly, he will submit himself.
Questions in the Quiz:
The questions you asked are about the Census, which all the answers are in the Census manual. You are finished and you will be shown the score you got.