Latest News On NPC 2023:- National Population Commission News With Mr Ahmed Dangiwa

Latest News On NPC 2023:- National Population Commission News With Mr Ahmed Dangiwa

National Population Commission News: According to Mr. Ahmed Dangiwa, Minister of Housing and Urban Development, the ministry is working with the National Population Commission (NPC) to get reliable information on the true scale of Nigeria’s housing shortfall.

Dangiwa revealed this at a meeting with the NPC delegation, which was led by Hon. Nasir Kwarra, on Monday in Abuja.

In his remarks, he stated that the meeting’s goal was to address one of Nigeria’s most important data challenges, which was precisely estimating the size of the nation’s housing shortfall.

“Regarding this issue, our nation has long suffered with erratic and incorrect statistics.

“I feel it is crucial to shift this narrative in order to make our understanding of the housing scarcity and the situation of housing in Nigeria evident and convincing and take coordinated action.

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Dangiwa stated, “We must try to establish precise, credible, verifiable, and scientifically sound statistics on the housing shortage and living conditions of dwellings that Nigerians live in nationally.

The minister went on to say that Nigeria couldn’t develop practical solutions to the housing problem unless it had a solid knowledge of the housing deficit.

He went on to say that the ministry’s cooperation with NPC was an important step and that the upcoming national census would be a perfect opportunity to collect exact data on citizens’ housing needs.

Dangiwa emphasized that the housing shortage concerned not just the quantity of buildings but also the standard of living.

The foundation of social stability and economic growth is adequate housing combined with suitable living conditions.

“There is a plan to establish the National Social Housing Fund to support the underprivileged in society, and this can be accomplished only with veritable data of housing without necessary sanitary conditions,” he stated.

The NPC chairman stated that the panel was completely prepared to conduct the long overdue census using digital tools.

All Nigerians were asked to participate in the census, and he added that particular populations such as migrant farmers, fishermen, non-Nigerian inhabitants, homeless people, and houses that had been built but were empty would also be counted.

To demonstrate how ready the commission was to perform the census, he stated that the commission had calculated that there were 55, 495, 871 households nationwide.

Kwarra claims that the commission aided the Surveyor General’s office with data for geospatial mapping and gave the Nigerian Postal Service base data that is used to address homes.

He continued by saying that the census would aid Nigeria in combating the insecurity plaguing the nation.

“It is impossible to exaggerate how crucial data are to a country’s development. and it is imperative to stress this. The emphasis in the modern world is on georeferenced data, or data sets with relation to the geography of a country, rather than just looking at data, Kwara stated.

The planned population and housing census, which is the first digital census planned in Nigeria using international standards methodology, is crucial for the nation given that the most recent count was in 2006. This was stated by Mrs. Yetunde Adebayo, Coordinating Director, GIS/DQM, NPC, in her presentation.

“The effort to accomplish Nigeria’s development goals considers the accessibility of data as a crucial element.

Data is one of the main areas of attention for development planning, and it is essential for establishing reasonable goals and for using tools and procedures consistently to monitor progress toward reaching both the targets and the overall objective of the nation’s plans.

She thus pleaded with the minister to support efforts to hasten the census’s completion to prevent the data gathered from becoming out of date and to reduce the cost of conducting it.

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