How National Population Commision Begins Planning to Start Training Enumerators and Census Work 2023

How National Population Commision Begins Planning to Start Training Enumerators and Census Work 2023
National Population Commision Begins Planning to Start Training Enumerators and Census Work 2023: As you know, we always try to inform you about important things that happen, so today we are coming up with the announcement about the census work that will take place.

The National Census Commission has begun preparations to determine the names of supervisors and enumerators who will receive training
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However, in the report that is coming out, the Census Board has changed the way it will release the names of the applicants who will carry out the work in June/July
A few months ago, the names of the applicants were released in some of the local governments that have been completed, but so far some of the local governments have not released the names.
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Note: Is this story true about beginning of enumerators training, because some people are asking us about the authenticity of it. we have researched to find out the authenticity of the story, but we have not finished it yet, and we haven’t gotten it officially.