NPC New Training Date for Enumerators and Supervisors | New Work Plan for Outstanding 2023 Census Activities

NPC New Training Date for Enumerators and Supervisors | New Work Plan for Outstanding 2023 Census Activities

NPC New Training DateAfter a recent postponement, the National Population Commission has set a new date for the enumerators and supervisors’ ad hoc staff training. Remember that the Commission canceled the Enumerators and Supervisors Training Program’s scheduled start date of March 31 and said that a new date would be announced as soon as possible.

The NPC has scheduled the enumerators and supervisors training to start on April 11, 2023, according to an updated 2023 Census Work Plan titled Summary of Outstanding Actions for the 2023 Population and Housing Census, which was published by the Commission. npc-training-centres-for-adhoc-staff-recruitments-of-all-36-states

The NPC has announced that the LGA Level Training on Building Numbering and Household Listing will now start on April 11 and end on April 17, 2023. Enumerators and Supervisors Adhoc Staff Training is now in its first phase. NPC New Training Date

Beginning on April 25 and ending on April 29, 2023, the LGA Level Training on People Enumeration will take place. This is the second stage of the ad hoc staff training for enumerators and supervisors.

The main census (person’s enumeration) runs from May 3 to May 7, 2023, and census night is on May 2, 2023. npc-training-update-today-npc-training-classroom-update-2023-ad-hoc-staff

Enumerators  Applicants will do training twice; that’s why they ask how many times they will be paid—twice or once? Currently, we don’t have any idea about this, but we will do our best to bring you an update on this question. npc-latest-news-on-adhoc-staff-enumerators-and-supervisors-2023

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