Can i go for Training If Not Approved or get text Message – NPC Adhoc Staff Recruitment Update 2023

Can i go for Training If Not Approved or get text Message – NPC Adhoc Staff Recruitment Update 2023

NPC Adhoc Staff Recruitment Update
NPC Adhoc Staff Recruitment Update

Some NPC Adhoc Staff Applicants are anxious since their application status is still PENDING even though the National Population Commission is about to begin training 623,797 Enumerators and 125,944 Supervisors across the 774 LGAs of the Federation (Not yet Approved).

NPC Adhoc Staff Recruitment Update: This article aims to help NPC Adhoc Staff Enumerators and Supervisors who want to attend the LGA Level Training but whose applications have not been approved.

Initially, the 774 Local Government Secretariats in the 36 States plus FCT make up the Training Centers. Your training center will be the LGA chosen as a place of residence if your state of residence is Kano. 

All approved applicants will receive a text message and/or email, same like with NPC Adhoc Staff Training. The Candidates will be admitted to the Training Hall based on the Text Message and/or Email.

According to the Specialized WorkForce (SWF) and Facilitators Training, many applicants who took part in online courses and virtual classroom training, completed the NPC exam and quiz, and even scored highly, were not invited to the training.

The most important factor utilized to evaluate applications for the Training Center is via text message and/or email. If an applicant does not receive an invitation, they were not selected for further consideration. 

NPC Adhoc Staff Recruitment Update
NPC Adhoc Staff Recruitment Update

Important Links To Check






In order to be admitted to the Training Centers, regardless of whether an applicant is approved or not, the applicant should pray to get the text message and/or email invitation.

To try his or her luck, an applicant who hasn’t been approved but “knows somebody” can go to the training centers. The Training Centers are open to other applicants who haven’t been accepted yet. Feeding, transportation, and training allowances pay handsomely and are worth the hassle.

Once more, the List of Applicants to Be Trained in a Certain Training Center will Be Available to the Facilitators (Trainers). To avoid embarrassment in the training centers, it is advantageous for an Applicant to receive the SMS and/or Email Invite.

Candidates for NPC Adhoc Staff whose names are not on the list will not receive invitations to training and will likely be dismissed from the training centers without a second thought.

Are you a Supervisor Adhoc Staff or Enumerator Applicant whose Application has not yet been approved? If you plan to travel to the LGA Level Training Center, you must be aware that your chances are slim yet it is still worthwhile to try.

The List of Authorized Enumerators and Supervisors Adhoc Staff Candidates will be released here soon, so keep an eye out for it.

NPC Adhoc Staff Recruitment Update
NPC Adhoc Staff Recruitment Update

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